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The Bohemian Collective

Brin Dyer


Hi! I am Brin and the creator of the Bohemian Collective. I am a mother, a wife and a bit of a hippie. Having a deep love for travel, I have spent countless hours wandering through different world markets admiring the beauty of handmade textiles, bags, clothing & furniture. It’s long been a dream of mine to open my own store full of beautiful items from around the world. This dream began before social media was the “thing” it is now. It bubbled beneath the surface during a time when I only used the internet for the odd google-search or a quick email home to let Ma and Pa know I was well.
This virtual storefront is the realization of that dream! “The Bohemian Collective” is your one-stop shop containing the most unique items from around the world. I carry carefully chosen items that I not only love, but that ensure artisans are paid a fair wage for their craft. By paying a fair wage, we ensure quality craftsmanship, and improve economic well-being and a brighter future.



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